The legacy lives on

In the heart of Forest Hall, Newcastle, lies a gem cherished by locals for decades: The Ritz Bingo. It’s a community hub, a tradition, and a testament to the dedication of one man – Christopher Clavering.

Anthony Cockburn, the new owner of The Ritz, embodies the spirit of continuity and respect for heritage. His journey from studying architecture to becoming the owner of a bingo club is a testament to the unpredictable twists and turns of life.

“I’ll start with my bingo career at the age of 16,” Anthony reminisces. “It was just part-time income while I was at college doing a feeder course for a degree.”

His entry into the world of bingo was serendipitous, a phone call from a friend leading him to his first job at a bingo hall. Little did he know then that it would mark the beginning of a lifelong journey.

“I continued with my studies for a year,” Anthony explains, “but personal circumstances led me to drop out of college.” Nevertheless, fate had other plans for him. A traineeship with the Mason Organisation propelled his career forward, exposing him to the intricacies of managing bingo clubs.

Over the years, Anthony’s path intertwined with various bingo companies, each experience shaping his expertise and deepening his love for the game. In 2019 after 22 years in the industry, Anthony decided to take a different career path, then out of the blue, a fortuitous encounter with a bingo legend came along, that would change his life – Christopher Clavering.

“Chris was a bit of a legend in the Northeast,” Anthony recalls. “Everyone knew him – particularly in bingo.”

Chris’s legacy loomed large over The Ritz, a beacon of tradition and community. So when Chris extended an offer to Anthony to join him in running the club, it reignited Anthony’s passion for bingo.

“Chris and I spoke about my 20 years in bingo, and he spoke about his 50 years!” Anthony reflects. “And we just seemed to hit it off.”

“He eventually asked if I was going to come and work for him,” Anthony recalls. “I eventually gave in and agreed. I was back in bingo!”

Under Chris’s mentorship, Anthony found renewed purpose. The club flourished under their shared vision, with Chris nurturing its growth while “secretly” preparing Anthony for a significant role.

Anthony recalls, “One day he handed his keys to me as he said he wasn’t well, and just asked me to keep things going. The weekend came and went, and he wasn’t around much, which was highly unusual.

“The following week, he called me and said he needed to see me. It was then that he admitted he wasn’t well.

“It was at this point that he offered for me to take over the club and become the new owner. He wanted the club to keep going, and for it to be mine. I was shocked.

“He’d mentioned me taking over the club in the past, on numerous occasions, but I guess I hadn’t taken it seriously.”

The legal process started, and the solicitors got to work to ensure a smooth handover. “Chris was obviously getting more and more frail”, Anthony recalls, “and he did everything in his power to get the deal over the line. He called me soon after our solicitors exchanged the contracts, and said, “well, you now own a bingo club!” He was so happy for me”.

Anthony assumed ownership of The Ritz, a responsibility he embraces with humility and reverence. “I thanked him, and he said that it was him that should be thanking me. I was ensuring that his beloved club and legacy was to carry on.”

One week later, Chris passed away. His sudden departure left a void in the hearts of staff and customers alike, a testament to the profound impact he had on the community. “It was a massive shock to everyone.”

In the wake of Chris’s passing, Anthony remains steadfast in his commitment to honouring Chris’s legacy. “It’s about keeping his legacy going… It was a promise, and I don’t need to change it.”

As Anthony looks to the future, he envisions the continuation of Chris’s vision – a traditional bingo club rooted in community. “For me, it’s about keeping Chris’s memory alive. I feel so fortunate that it was me he chose to continue the business at The Ritz.”
Chris’s clandestine battle with illness adds a poignant layer to the story, underscoring the urgency with which he sought to secure the club’s future. “He admitted he wasn’t a well man,” Anthony recalls, “He wanted the club to be in safe hands before he passed.”

One thing remains certain – the story of Anthony Cockburn and The Ritz is far from over. It’s a story of resilience, camaraderie, and the enduring power of community.

And amidst the fun and vibrant energy of the bingo, Chris Clavering’s spirit lives on.