Roadshow 2023

On Thursday 30th of November, The Bingo Association (BA) welcomed industry professionals from across the bingo sector for the much-anticipated Association and Meeron Roadshow 2023.

Held at the Mercure Hotel in central Manchester, this event, a cornerstone of the BA’s commitment to keeping its members informed and engaged, promised insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and expert presentations from guest speakers.

Networking and lunch: The foundation of community building

Starting at lunch time, to allow for travel, an informal lunch set the perfect tone and provided an opportunity for attendees to network. This was a strategic opportunity for delegates to reconnect with old colleagues, meet new faces, and forge stronger ties within the tight-knit bingo community.

The diversity of attendees, ranging from general managers and head office teams to field-based support and industry suppliers, highlighted the inclusive and collaborative spirit of the bingo sector.

Industry updates and challenges ahead

Following lunch Miles Baron, Chief Executive of The Bingo Association, got the session underway, with an industry update that was both a reflection on the past and a roadmap for the future.

The central theme was the cost-of-living crisis, a challenge that resonated with everyone in the room. Despite a slight upturn in performance in the year’s earlier trading, a concerning drop in late November signalled potential hurdles ahead.

Miles outlined seven key challenges for 2024, shaping the agenda for the afternoon’s discussions. These included:

  1. Cost pressures encompassing energy, minimum wage, regulatory, and business rates.
  2. The DCMS 2005 Gambling Act Review.
  3. Changes to the LCCP by the Gambling Commission.
  4. The implementation of Martyn’s Law.
  5. The introduction of a Gambling Ombudsman.
  6. The upcoming Gambling Harm Survey.
  7. The transition to King Charles III Bank Notes.

The cost-of-living crisis: a dominant concern

A significant portion of the presentation from Miles centred on the cost-of-living crisis. Research commissioned from Savanta provided a stark picture: over a third of bingo players cited cost as a barrier to playing in physical venues. However, there was a silver lining – this figure had decreased since spring, and a third of players expected to return to playing bingo at least once a month.

The Gambling Act Review: navigating regulatory changes

Shifting focus to the Gambling Act Review, a topic of paramount importance, its potential impact on the bingo sector was dissected, with particular attention to the 80/20 rule, the Statutory Levy, cashless payments, and side bets.

The BA’s successful lobbying efforts led to a significant win: the proposed levy rate for licensed Bingo Clubs was set at a manageable 0.1%.

Digital innovations and social responsibility

Paul Swindon, the BA’s Head of Governance and Compliance, unveiled the BA’s revamped website. The new site, with its modern design and improved navigation, reflects the Association’s modern, forward-thinking approach.

As well as information about the BA itself, it also provides links to vital resources, training, data, compliance, and includes a new-look Operators Handbook, which has been reformatted into an interactive PDF.

Readers can view the new website at

Paul also touched upon the upcoming Gambling Ombudsman and the development of a Social Responsibility Code, underscoring the sector’s commitment to ethical practices, with a further update on the BA’s support with training, delivered in partnership with GamCare.

Martyn’s Law: Preparing for a safer future

The introduction of Martyn’s Law, named in memory of Martyn Hett, a victim of the Manchester Arena attack, was a sobering topic and delivered sensitively by Danni Grant from CT Protect.

The law, which is expected to be enacted by late summer 2024, will impose new counter-terrorism security requirements on public venues, large and small. This legislation is particularly relevant to the bingo sector, given the communal nature of bingo halls.

Qualifying premises are split across two tiers:
ENHANCED TIER: Enhanced duty premises are qualifying public premises with a public capacity of 800 or more individuals.
STANDARD TIER: Standard duty premises are qualifying public premises which are not enhanced duty premises and have a capacity of 100 or more.

At its most basic level, Standard Tier premises will need to provide terrorism protection training in relation to the premises or event, and carry out evaluations and document them.

Enhanced Tier premises will need to do the same, but also appoint a Designated Senior Officer, who will be responsible for conducting risk assessments, security plans and measures, and more.

Cash is King! The changing face of our bank notes

Esti Gonzalez from The Bank of England provided an engaging update on the upcoming HM King Charles III Banknotes. With these new notes set to enter circulation in Q2 2024, she emphasised the need for operators to update their machines by the end of March 2024.
Key points from Esti included:

  • Banknote Equipment Manufacturers (BEMs) have already started releasing machine updates
  • Security features, size and material will remain unchanged from the
    HM Queen Elizabeth II banknotes
  • All four denominations (£5, £10, £20 and £50) will enter circulation on the same day
  • Current banknotes featuring the portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II will continue to be legal tender

The Bank of England does provide training materials at no cost to you. Please visit

The National Bingo Game: celebrating success and looking ahead

The second afternoon session began with an update from Alastair Stewart on the National Bingo Game (NBG). The NBG’s continued popularity, with 51 jackpot winners in 2023 alone, speaks volumes about the game’s appeal. He also announced the launch of the NBG Caller of the Year 2024 competition and shared plans to reinvigorate National Bingo Day in 2024.

Alastair went on to update the group on Meeron, sharing some key stats, which included 115 participating clubs, of which 110 play the Main Stage Link, and 115 play the Linked MCB. Unfortunately, 2023 has seen nine club closures and one leaver, but two clubs have joined the group.

The NBGA and Meeron continue to invest in the game’s infrastructure, which includes servers, and MCB Jackpot software development.

New products are also being explored, including SMS prize draws, much like those that are successful for the likes of ITV and Channel 5.

Life after Meeron: ISD’s evolution

Next was an insightful presentation by Chris Wrigley, focusing on the significant changes and advancements following Meeron’s sale of ISD, a name familiar to all in the BA due to their flagship Maxim system.

There’s been a big operational focus since their sale to NRM Group, including the introduction of a larger team with a broader skillset. The Helpdesk has been unified with the Group’s, which has led to a large fall in unresolved tickets.

Their bulk SMS service has been stabilised, and in October alone, ISD sent over 4 million SMS messages for the first time.

Maxim continues to be developed, and in 2024, Maxim (ISD) and Engage (NRM) will come together to create a ‘super-system’.

Innovations in technology and sustainability

The session with Rupert Harrow from Footprint Zero introduced an exciting possibility for bingo operators: rooftop solar solutions. In an era of rising energy costs, this sustainable option could be a game-changer for many venues.

This presentation underscored the importance of innovation in addressing current economic challenges.

Looking forward

The wide range of topics covered, from regulatory changes to technological innovations and sustainability, reflected the dynamic nature of the bingo sector. The full attendance and active participation underscored the industry’s commitment to staying informed and remaining adaptable.

As the industry faces new challenges and embraces emerging opportunities, events like these are crucial in fostering a united and informed community, ready to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

Many industry professionals attended – in fact the room was full to capacity!
Next year’s Roadshow will be in Leeds on 28th November 2024, so save the date now, as it’s sure to be a thought-provoking and informative session once again.