The club ‘knitting’ the community together

Those that knit together stay together. That was definitely Buzz Club Operations Manager Jean Meighan view in 2017 when she and fellow knitters decided to get together to knit one, purl one and chat. Then Covid came along and put a stop to that, but you can’t keep a good knitter down and as soon as restrictions permitted club activities resumed, every Wednesday morning before bingo.

The initial band of knitters has grown over time, with members knitting at home as well as at their formal Wednesday meet, where members also bring in things they have made to the delight of everyone.

The club welcomes both beginners and experienced knitters, with support from Jean and other members, who share their skills and experience (some of the knitting club members don’t play bingo, but love the club and sense of community).

The group has a core membership, which has been steadily growing post Covid, and regularly sees about twenty people meeting each Wednesday, though total group membership is much higher, as there are those unable to make the Wednesday meets. The group’s hobby has seen them knit for and support a range of good causes, including:

Items for premature babies, blankets and cannula mitts

Care homes
Dementia Mitts

Homeless support
Blankets and clothing donations

Local Food bank
Donations are also part of the groups work

Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)
To date the club has raised over £28,000

The result of this work has led to a massive increase in donations from non-knitters, providing wool, and unwanted knitted items that can be recycled. All items that are knitted are donated to local causes within the community.

As well as knitting items for donation, the group also undertakes specific projects/initiatives and before Christmas completed a project knitting stockings that were then filled with sweets, which were donated by bingo customers, that were then distributed to disadvantaged children by the local food bank.

One of this year’s projects is already underway and will see the group knit woollen poppies for Remembrance Day 2023, that will be used to create a memorial.

The success of the group really does show that not only do those who knit together stay together, but that they make things happen too.